
EPIC is an early-phase low-carbon design tool.

c.scale is a lightweight data model for carbon footprinting in the built environment.

EHDD creates transformative places of belonging and impact. Learn more about our work at ehdd.com.

Project Team

Project Coordinators Brad Jacobson, Jack Rusk

Lead Technical Development Jack Rusk

Technical Development Lalyn Yu

Web Development Christopher Hiester. Additional support from Lifelike Labs.

Peer Review and Feedback

Iterations of c.scale have been reviewed in whole or part by colleagues at MKA, Carbon Leadership Forum, and others. Thank you to Jamy Bacchus, Ted Tiffany, Kayleigh Houde, and Peter Alsbach for their careful review of early versions of out refrigerant emissions data and methodology.

The project team owes a heartfelt thanks to the group of over 80 firms that participated in our initial closed beta, the input of whom was essential to EPIC's early development, and the countless users who have since offered feedback, critique, and unique use cases.

Despite this review, errors may persist. If you are interested in providing additional review and have the expertise to do so, please reach out.


Questions regarding the tool, its use, or the public beta web application can be directed to epic@ehdd.com.

The content of the EPIC user's guide is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

The EPIC web application and its interface Β© 2021-2023 EHDD

The c.scale data model Β© 2023 EHDD


June 21st, 2022 - v1.0.0. Public beta release

July 20th, 2022 - v1.0.1. Minor bug fix in calculation of emissions from annual landscape maintenance; corrected text formatting inconsistencies in base case form.

September 29th, 2022 - v1.0.2 Bug fix in emissions from greenfield development; changed all mentions of "carbon sequestration" to "carbon storage."

April 10, 2023 - v2.0.0. Connect EPIC web application with the updated API. Significant changes to data, methodology, and user interface.

July 11, 2023 - v2.0.1. Correct error where excluding site and landscaping prevented calculation of carbon storage in timber structural systems. Correct error where greenfield development emissions were appearing in some scenarios even when "previously developed sites" was selected in the base case. Update validation on "number of floors" to prevent unrealistic entry.

September 14, 2023 - v2.0.2. Updates to the estimation model for structural quantities. Miscellaneous backend performance updates. Minor UI updates.

September 25, 2023 - v2.0.3. Addition of fugitive emissions from refrigerants to the c.scale model.

Last updated